Wednesday, October 28, 2009

November 30th PD


I'm happy that you chose to learn more about blogging and wikis at November's Professional Development day. Please comment on this post if you have any questions you would like answered, or if you'd like to share the URL of your own personal blog for others to look at. Let's get the discussion going!

~Jenn Scharf Orlinski


  1. I'm really looking forward to your class but I might be late as I'm teaching a 10:00 session and will have to pack up.
    Mary Cummings

  2. Homework blogs seem to make it sooo easy for kids to stay up to date with assignments. Yahoo!

  3. i'd like to create a blog for performing arts kids, with dates/instructions for upcoming concerts that parents can access too. i'm one of those who doesn't even know where to start.
    Cori Gaffny/Music

  4. I have a site for homework for my classes
    but I don't know anything about using wikis! I would love to do something where students are actively online doing course work rather than just passively checking the day's assignment.
